
Micky Trescott writes about remission in her blog “Autoimmune Wellness”, and how it can be tricky. She writes, Remission implies a stable state of health that has been reached and doesn’t easily account for flares, which are common even in those that have well-managed autoimmune diseases. Remission can be defined as the absence or lessening of symptoms caused by a disease. Cure can be defined as having no traces of a disease being present. Micky says this word usually refers to cancer patients. She likes to say autoimmune disease is “Well Managed”. I have been following her from the very beginning of my journey. She has been an incredible help to me with food and information throughout the years. While I love and respect her, I disagree slightly here with her take on remission, but do agree there is no cure for autoimmune. Let me explain below.

For years I have read about people accomplishing remission from their autoimmune disease. This usually involved taking some type of immunosuppressive medication. Even my former specialist at the Medical College of Wisconsin said to me there is no cure, but we can manage the symptoms and possibly get you to remission with immunosuppressive drugs of course.

When I changed from conventional medicine to a more natural or functional medicine to treat my Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD), I rarely spoke about remission. I referred to my goal as healing from autoimmune disease. After thirteen years with eight of those with an actual diagnosis, my Naturopathic Doctor used the “R” word this last week! What we found most rewarding that it was done with almost three of those years using no immunosuppressive drugs. I never gave up and could not settle for, “you will be on medication for the rest of your life to manage your symptoms.” Was this easy? No! Was this expensive? Yes! My journey has involved at least 6-7 different naturopathic, clinicians, nutritionist, and functional doctors. All have played some role in my healing, some positive and some negative.


My journey has been up and down as far as blood work results, flares and so much data it would make your head explode. I have treated everything from Babesia to toxins, and also healed from candida and more. At this point I have reversed my Raynaud’s as well, which is a miracle I am told. Even my naturopathic doctors said reversing Raynaud’s may not be possible.

For over a year now I could tell something positive was happening by the way I had been feeling. Every three to four months I have my bloodwork checked including my CPK (Creatine phosphokinase), liver, and monitoring some of the concerning data through stool samples and hormone testing. My results last week told a story, and thankfully it is not the end of my story. The results showed remission and healing. Only one other time during these last eight years was my CPK this low. I was heavily medicated which resulted in terrible side effects, resulting in discontinuing it immediately. The following week my CPK jumped back up to the thousands.

If you are curious what my CPK is at now I will leave you in suspense no longer. It is, 234. My liver numbers are the best they been since before the diagnosis. Back in 2013 my CPK was 5800 and my liver numbers were over 200. Not only does the data show remission and healing, but the way I feel is another strong indicator. My strength is back, my endurance is back and most of all I feel “normal” again! That is what the definition of healing and remission is!

I have gone through years of hard work, diet changes, therapy and finding the right fit when working with natural doctors and clinicians. My hope is to continue to heal and be an inspiration for others dealing with chronic illness. Since there is no cure for autoimmune disease I will not totally relax and forget I have a chronic illness. I pray I will not have to worry about flares, but if I do get one I know how to calm them down.

My story is not over and my journey is still on-going. I will continue to live this lifestyle of health and healing. I will continue to help others with their healing path. God has allowed this terrible illness in my life not to make me suffer or punish me, but to use me and this illness for good. I have made connections with so many wonderful people. I have learned to fight for myself and others. It settled my mind and heart and showed me what truly is important in life.

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