Autoimmune and Exercise
Are you living with an autoimmune condition or some form of chronic illness? If so, do you feel like exercise and organized sports are not for you? Your body just cannot tolerate working so hard?
When dealing with an autoimmune illness, we often cannot workout or compete with others. We do not have the same physical capabilities as those who are healthy. This makes it very frustrating and often we give up trying, give up socializing and very often depression sets in. Autoimmune disease is an invisible illness, and others who observe our fatigue and weakness cannot understand what we are truly going through.
There are times I would push myself so hard to try to keep up, not miss out on a group workout or a 4th day in a row of golf, that I underestimated what a toll this was on my body. Suddenly I go into a flare, that is both draining and disappointing because I realize I am far from normal. Although I have not had a full flare in over a year, I still have mini flares. Growing up and as a young adult I considered myself an athlete. My strength and my muscles were my strong suit. When that strength was taken from me, I thought life was over. I often must remind myself that I can no longer push myself and try to keep up with others, If I do, I will pay the price not them.
Does this mean I do not exercise or play golf? Absolutely not! I have learned to accept my condition. I have learned to do 5-10 reps rather than 25. I use 5-pound weights rather than 10. I workout in the privacy of my home rather then the gym.
Healing is a process. This does not happen in 30 days. Fitness is just one small part of healing. After 7 years on my journey to heal naturally, I can honestly say thus far the last 6 months have been my best as far as feeling good and living a more “normal” life. Even my many test results are improving! The best they have been since starting this journey. I still have healing to do, and I may never fully heal, but I do know, the more we embrace our conditions, accept our conditions, and grasp the hope that healing is possible, nothing and nobody can stop us in finding our “normal”!
If you need some healing guidance and support, or help with exercise I would love to be that support to give you the hope to press forward and find your normal.