Killing Godzilla (edited from original post)10-02-19
I cannot take credit for this title. It comes from an on-line program called “Transform Autoimmune Disease Naturally” and represents a picture of how we should be treating autoimmune disease.
Now back to Godzilla...
Imagine a Godzilla stomping on your town. He takes out the grocery store, the post office and the grade school. Your town expert says let’s rebuild the school! Meanwhile, Godzilla stomps out the library. The town expert says let’s rebuild the post office! Meanwhile, Godzilla crashes down your favorite restaurant. You get the idea? When dealing with an autoimmune disease, traditional doctors are trained to treat your symptoms and prescribe drugs for the individual conditions while the main source of the disease is still causing havoc to your health. We need to kill Godzilla and stop the source of the attack! Another example is the this. Your doctor may only be looking at one tree in the forest. For 5 years my NP (nurse practitioner) did not investigate my pleas. She focused on one tree or one building in the town. We needed to look at all the trees in the forest and find the source of the spreading disease. In other words, find and kill Godzilla!
I am not going to lie, this will take hard work, commitment and an investment with your time and money. I will admit this program is not my sole healing tool, but the education, support and friendships I’ve gained was amazing. I have always worked hard towards healing, but I now have confidence in what I am doing, and my knowledge is invaluable. I challenge my doctors and others who may not understand autoimmune disease. I have become a person who people turn to for support and understanding. Autoimmune disease will be a lifelong battle, but I have the tools and the education, along with the mindset to fight back!